Vincent Hyland Artist Gallery
Rath, Caherdaniel, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Tel 083 1992560
Visitors Welcome
Opening Hours - Closed

I'm inspired by the natural world in everything I do. Each piece is influenced by the wild outdoors.
Browse Paintings, Illustrations, Photographs, limited edition prints, open editions, poster prints and greeting cards from seabirds to underwater marine life to seascapes.

Wild Derrynane
Exploring the relationship between coastal environments and plants and animals that live within it. The brainchild of founder and multi-award winner, wildlife film maker, naturalist and outdoor educationalist Vincent Hyland, the company speciailises in the application of technology, outdoor exploration and practical ecology to deliver ground breaking experiences for teachers, school children, 3rd level students, adults, parents and children.
Based in Derrynane, Co. Kerry, Vincent works within Derrynane's Special Area of Conservation from the mountains to the forest, the sand dunes, dry heath islands to underwater and onwards to the Bull Rock and Skellig Rocks. The habitats range from mountains to rivers, lakes, woodland, sand dune, inshore coastal to underwater and Island.​

Since 1990, Vincent Hyland has been recording the areas coastal plant and animal biodiversity above and below water. He possesses the single biggest photographic, audio and video archive available to the area. This ‘document’ is a valuable record of the area’s changing biodiversity. Over the past 8 years he has provided outdoor education to adults, parents and children at Derrynane in all aspects of the areas’ unique habitats and dependent wildlife.
Educational Activities
Biodiversity walks
Uncover the wonders of the areas geological formation, its plant life and invertebrate/vertebrate communities above and below water.
Uncovering inshore marine life and associated habitats
Take a look at animals in their natural underwater habitat
Whale/Dolphin/Basking shark/marine life watching including seabirds
Build Marine Aquariums - Learn how to build a marine tank, how to maintain it and how to identify marine animals.
Marine Litter
A course on marine debris and what you can do to change behaviour and lessen the impact on the marine environment.
Wildlife Art Digital Photography, Videography and audio
Learn how to record outdoor wildlife using digital technology.